Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Favorite halloween experience!...

Blog Free Write #3Be sure to check spelling and punctuation. Remember to start a new paragraph with each new idea. Write at least 300 words. You may want to use a word document and then copy the writing into your blog. I will show you how to do this if you need help!Due Monday November 3rd by 8am.Choose one of the following prompts:1. Write a narrative starting with the words "It was a dark and stormy night...."2. Explain in detail your favorite Halloween or trick or treating experience. Explain who you went with, your costume, and any other details that made it your favorite/best halloween.

My favorite Halloween experience is going to be this Friday and Saturday. The real Halloween is this Friday but since the Perry football team made it to the playoffs the game is on Friday night. Instead of missing the game everyone in Perry is trick-or-treating on Saturday night. On Friday night Morgan and I are going to the playoff game at Perry High School and then probably going to have a sleep over. On Saturday we're probably going to going to hang out at her house or my house until about 4:30p.m, when we will start getting our costumes on. Morgan and I are going to be fairies. We have been the same Halloween costume for about four years now. This is our second year being something cute. Our first Halloween costume that we were together we were hippies. Last year we were gangster people and even had a fake bullet wound in our faces. This year I am going to be a pink fairy that has pink wings and a pink wand. And she is going to be a purple fairy who has purple wings and a purple wand. We will both be wearing the same shirt and a jean skirt. The only difference is she will be wearing black legging and i will be wearing white ones. After we get all of our make-up and glitter on we will be going trick-or-treating around Dugan's Farms and Morgan's neighborhood. After a long and cold night of trick-or-treating we will head to Morgan's house to exchange candy. Also at Morgan's house will hand out some more candy to the trick-or-treader's who stop by. We are probably going to have another sleepover again that night and stay up and watch a scary movie. This Halloween is going to be so... much fun!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Favorite fall activity...

Free Write #2 Graded.
Block 3 Due by October 15th at 10pm.
What is your favorite fall activity? Who do you do the activity with? When do you do it? How do you feel? Describe the activity to me. Be as detailed as possible. Make sure that you have 300 words for this free write. Hint- Write the freewrite into a word document. Check the word count in the document then copy and paste it over.

My favorite fall activity is going to Patterson's fruit farm. I usually go to Patterson's fruit farm with my family and even drag my older brother along. We usually go to Patterson's fruit farm around halloween and beginning of fall. When we get there we take a hay wagon over to the fun fest. After that we usually get our wrist bands. Next we do a lot of activities. Some activities we do are playing on wooden stilts which were really challenging! After that we pick apples. My dad found alot of fat and plump apples. I couldnt even finish mine. After we pick apples we pick pumpkins. They had some really big ones but since we didn't pick pumpkins until the end there were only a few big ones left. Once we got past the fruit we went to the play area.We rode in wooden go carts and me and Emily ran into little kids. Woops! There was also corn mazes. There was a big one and small one. When we walked through the big corn maze my sister Paige and I got seperated from the family my mom was calling my name and i didnt catch up with them until the end! After the corn mazes we went on a walking trail. Once we got back got back from the long walk on the trail we got a funnel cake and then headed for the car. Going to Patterson's fruit farm was so much fun!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Free Writing

Okay here is your first official assignment on the blog that will be graded. It is a free write and is worth 10 points. (just like we do them in class) The catch with this one is that you will have one week to do it. It will be due next Tuesday, October 7th. A good trick is to type it in a word document and then paste it over to your blog. Don't post your response until you are done. You can save it as a draft until you are finished. If you don't have Internet at home come see me at some point today. You also have to have at least 300 words (This post right here is about 100 words) I expect most of you to exceed this amount. Good luck! Comment on this post if you have any problems.Topic: Sameness and Difference. What is good about it? What is bad about it? What could be changed? Use what you know about our society and Jonas' society to write your entry.You might want to split it up into a few paragraphs. Watch typos!!!

Sameness has some pros and cons. Some good things about sameness are that there would be less bullying in the world because everyone would where the same clothes, same hair color, and everything else the same that people get bullied for. Another good thing about sameness is that there would be no war because everything and everyone would be the same. There will be no hatred against people with a different race because everyone is the same. Some cons about sameness would be that everything would be so boring because there would be no color or feelings like in the Giver. People would miss out on a lot of good things in life like: trees changing colors in the fall, thunder and lightening storms, and many other things.

Difference has some pros and cons too but in my opinion difference is better than sameness. Difference is better than sameness because there would be many different colors, many different feelings or emotions, and many different styles. With difference people can express themselves and be who they want to be. Some bad things about difference is that some people could get bullied about what they are wearing or what they look like because everyone would be different.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I thought blogging was kind of confusing at first but now I'm gettingt the hang of it! It;s actually kind of fun!Ü

1,000,000 $s

There are many things i would do with 1,000,000 million dollars. The first thing i would do is give 200,000 to my church. I would give 200,000 dollars to my family so they can get hard wood floors in my kitchen and use the extra $ for what ever else they need! With 600,000 left i would use 5,000 to charity who are less fotunate and 50,000 to but a nice car. I would put all the rest of the money in a bank account to use in the future!