Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Favorite halloween experience!...

Blog Free Write #3Be sure to check spelling and punctuation. Remember to start a new paragraph with each new idea. Write at least 300 words. You may want to use a word document and then copy the writing into your blog. I will show you how to do this if you need help!Due Monday November 3rd by 8am.Choose one of the following prompts:1. Write a narrative starting with the words "It was a dark and stormy night...."2. Explain in detail your favorite Halloween or trick or treating experience. Explain who you went with, your costume, and any other details that made it your favorite/best halloween.

My favorite Halloween experience is going to be this Friday and Saturday. The real Halloween is this Friday but since the Perry football team made it to the playoffs the game is on Friday night. Instead of missing the game everyone in Perry is trick-or-treating on Saturday night. On Friday night Morgan and I are going to the playoff game at Perry High School and then probably going to have a sleep over. On Saturday we're probably going to going to hang out at her house or my house until about 4:30p.m, when we will start getting our costumes on. Morgan and I are going to be fairies. We have been the same Halloween costume for about four years now. This is our second year being something cute. Our first Halloween costume that we were together we were hippies. Last year we were gangster people and even had a fake bullet wound in our faces. This year I am going to be a pink fairy that has pink wings and a pink wand. And she is going to be a purple fairy who has purple wings and a purple wand. We will both be wearing the same shirt and a jean skirt. The only difference is she will be wearing black legging and i will be wearing white ones. After we get all of our make-up and glitter on we will be going trick-or-treating around Dugan's Farms and Morgan's neighborhood. After a long and cold night of trick-or-treating we will head to Morgan's house to exchange candy. Also at Morgan's house will hand out some more candy to the trick-or-treader's who stop by. We are probably going to have another sleepover again that night and stay up and watch a scary movie. This Halloween is going to be so... much fun!

1 comment:

Slawinski2008 said...

Hope you had fun Brooke! Remember to separate different ideas into different paragraphs! +9